Did I mention chickens?
Lots to chat about! This is like 4 announcements in one so make sure to scroll through! :)

Yup, we're becoming one of those families...the ones with feathered friends in their backyard! AND we're doing some intentional things for our kids to get the most out of it!
I have a free PDF for you if you're in the same coop!...I mean boat. ;) (See more at the bottom)
& last chance for the $25 Nature Mega Bundle!

The Spring Nature Schooling Mega Bundle includes $980 of learning resources from 60+ talented creators and covers everything from spring unit studies on butterflies, wildflowers, ladybugs, rabbits, chickens, weather (and more) to games, handicrafts, recipes, math and literacy lessons, and more! $980 $25 ONLY for sale until Thursday, April 14th! ...and then it's gone for good!
Also! The 110th anniversary of the Titanic sinking is April 14/15
The coupon for our PDF Family Lesson is still valid! Use Code: APRIL2 at checkout to download it for only $2!

Read the story of the epic creation & sinking of the Titanic! Talk about its heroes & about media ethics. Solidify facts with a fun crossword activity & get out your art supplies to paint this ship with me!
Don't forget, it's Earth Day this month! April 22nd is Earth Day!
Last year, to get us proactive,
I created a quick and fun
BINGO sheet!

It's not on my site anymore, but here is the download link if your family wants to play! 
So more on chickens...Hubby and I wanted to take this opportunity to teach our kids about business & accounting as well as instill responsibility...and make the whole project super fun! Shhh! They don't know it, but they're getting a business in their baskets on Sunday! I've got a certificate of entrepreneurship & coupons to get them started with a helping hand from mom & dad PLUS some cute pages for planning, accounting & chores!
Whew! I know that was a lot - thanks for sticking with me! I hope you have a blessed weekend. HE IS RISEN! Indeed. <3 -Bonnie PS: Almost forgot! I made a little colouring page for this weekend:

It has a tracible copywork-style version in manuscript & cursive as well!