This novel guide is a family-style resource to use beside your copy of The Secret Garden! Enrich your read aloud time with vocabulary, copywork, fun facts, related rabbit trails, easy activities and more!
Our family had so much fun learning to read aloud the yorkshire accent in this book and we've included a fun phrase for you to learn together as a family for each chapter! Some days have extras like teatime, book analysis, hymn study, create a bird feeder, etc.
Get over 90 pages to go bring along with you as you read the book's 27 chapters as well as get downloads for both manuscipt and cursive copywork PDF's for students to trace.
*companion PDF only, novel must be purchased seperately.
This is a digital-only product. You will not recieve anything physical by mail. Due to the nature of digital files, no refunds are offered on purchases.
Home use only. Resale is prohibited. Please contact for group use inquiries.
Secret Garden Novel Reflection
3 PDF files:
-Main Novel Reflection Guide (94 Pages)
-Student Pages - Cursive (29 Pages)
-Student Pages Manuscript (29 Pages)