I'd love to share my favourite books at some point...and I guess that time is now!
Firstly, 3 FAVE LIFESTYLE Books....
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#1 and my most life-changing read was this mindset shifter There’s No Such Thing As Bad Weather by @rainorshinemama Linda Akeson McGurk
If you’re an outdoor lover, or just a wanna be - this is a fantastic read! There’s so much contrast between typical North American attitudes about the great outdoors and those of the Nordic countries.
I recommend this book to every mama I know!
Dress for the weather. Raise kids who love nature. I can’t say enough!

#2 Sacred Rest by @drdaltonsmith
This book was one I went through during a season of NO resting! I often find myself going back to this book addressing different parts of our life that need rest and how different rest can look for each area - not the typical slow-down advice!

#3 Adventuring Together was a read recommended by another homeschooling mama. Greta @maandpamodern is going to have you wanting so badly to start your own adventure group by the end of the book! This book was story meets inspiration meets practical advice and tangible ideas!

What have been some of your most lifestyle-impacting reads?